Wasden Law: Expertise in Immigration Litigation

In recent years, landmark cases and influential legal experts have significantly shaped the landscape of H1B visa policies and litigation. One such figure is Jonathan Wasden, often called the ‘Immigration Litigation Attorney,’ whose work has led to pivotal changes in immigration law. This article delves into some of the most impactful H1B cases, exploring their outcomes, implications, and broader influence on immigration policies.

👨⚖️ Background

Jonathan served with the US Department of Justice, Civil Division, Office of Immigration Litigation-District Court Section, defending immigration regulations and decisions under the APA. He also worked with the DHS Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), focusing on employment-based legal issues and advising on litigation in these areas.

Key Takeaways

  • Jonathan Wasden has been instrumental in overturning critical H1B memos, including the Neufeld Memos 2010.
  • The ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS case marked a significant victory against USCIS policies, setting a precedent for future litigation.
  • The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is crucial in H1B litigation, guiding many court decisions and legal strategies.
  • Georgia’s 2020 ruling against USCIS policies has broad implications for H1B visa holders and their employers.
  • Technological advancements, such as AI legalese decoders, are increasingly being leveraged to navigate the complexities of immigration litigation.

Jonathan Wasden: The Immigration Litigation Attorney

Career Highlights

Jonathan Wasden has established himself as a formidable force in immigration litigation. His career is marked by numerous high-profile cases and significant victories that have shaped the landscape of immigration law. His profound knowledge and skill in maneuvering through intricate immigration legal systems have distinguished him as a preeminent expert in the field.

Key Cases and Victories

Wasden’s portfolio includes landmark cases that have set important precedents. He has successfully challenged restrictive immigration policies and secured favorable client outcomes.

Some of his notable cases include:

  • ITServe v. Neilsen: In 2018, DHS published a rule prohibiting third-party placement for F-1 students on OPT/CPT without the required “notice and comment process.” Wasden Law challenged this, leading to DHS deleting the unlawful rule before the court’s defense.
  • ITServe v. Cissna: Wasden Law challenged the Trump administration’s new mandatory requirements for H-1B employers, resulting in a court ruling that the requirements violated statutory and regulatory language. The government settled, disavowing the rules and restoring approval rates to the 90% range.
  • Eddakuni v. Mayorkas: Successfully challenged the biometric requirement for H-4/L-2 applicants, leading to USCIS withdrawing the requirement and settling to process visa petitions concurrently with extensions and EADs, restoring previous processing times.
  • Shergill v. Mayorkas: Argued that USCIS violated statutes regarding L-2 and H-4 EADs, resulting in a settlement where L-2s no longer need to apply for EADs, and H-4s are eligible for auto-extension of EADs for up to 180 days.

Recent Victories

The legal landscape for H-1B visa holders is undergoing significant changes as a landmark case challenges the ‘fraud by association’ visa revocations. This case, involving a Chicago-based tech worker, highlights the broader crackdown by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on misusing the H-1B visa system, especially by third-party contracting companies. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching implications for thousands of H-1B visa holders and their employers.

Key Takeaways

  • A landmark case challenges ‘fraud by association’ visa revocations affecting H-1B holders.
  • USCIS has intensified its crackdown on H-1B visa misuse, particularly targeting third-party contracting companies.
  • The court recognized the right of H-1B visa holders to be notified before revocation due to employer fraud.
  • The case could set a precedent for handling H-1B visa revocations.
  • Advocacy groups and the community are rallying to support affected H-1B workers.

The case of Sridhara Alavala and other H-1B visa holders underscores the complexities and challenges faced by foreign workers in the U.S. visa system. The recent court ruling affirms the rights of these workers to seek legal recourse when their visas are unjustly revoked due to employer misconduct. This decision not only highlights the need for more stringent oversight of third-party contracting companies but also emphasizes the importance of fair treatment for all visa holders. As the USCIS continues to reform the H-1B visa process, it is crucial that the rights and protections of individual workers remain a priority.

Impact on Immigration Law

Wasden’s work has profoundly impacted immigration law, particularly in the realm of H1B visas. His legal challenges have provided relief to countless individuals and prompted policy changes and reforms. His efforts continue to influence the direction of immigration policies and the interpretation of existing laws.

Jonathan Wasden’s relentless pursuit of justice has made him a pivotal figure in the fight for fair and equitable immigration policies. His contributions to the field are both significant and enduring.

The Neufeld Memos of 2010: A Turning Point

Background and Context

In 2010, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued the Neufeld Memos, significantly altering the landscape for H1B visa holders and their employers. These memos provided new employer-employee relationship guidelines, particularly on third-party worksite placements. The memos aimed to curb perceived abuses in the H1B program by ensuring employers maintained control over their employees’ work.

Legal Challenges

The Neufeld Memos faced immediate backlash from the business community and immigration attorneys. Critics argued that the guidelines were overly restrictive and created unnecessary hurdles for companies relying on H1B talent. Several lawsuits were filed challenging the memos, claiming they were inconsistent with existing laws and regulations.

Outcome and Implications

The legal battles surrounding the Neufeld Memos led to a series of court decisions that clarified the extent of USCIS’s authority in interpreting H1B regulations. While some aspects of the memos were upheld, others were struck down or modified. The ongoing litigation highlighted the need for clearer, more consistent policies in the H1B visa program.

The Neufeld Memos of 2010 marked a significant turning point in H1B visa policy, prompting both legal scrutiny and calls for reform. The memos underscored the complexities of balancing regulatory oversight with the needs of the business community.

ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS: A Landmark Case

Case Overview

The ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS case marked a significant moment in immigration litigation, particularly concerning H1B visa policies. The lawsuit challenged the restrictive interpretations and policies imposed by the USCIS on H1B visa holders, which many argued were beyond the agency’s statutory authority.

Court’s Decision

The court ruled in favor of ITServe Alliance, stating that the USCIS had overstepped its bounds. This decision was a monumental victory for H1B visa holders and their employers, invalidating several USCIS policies that had made it increasingly difficult to obtain and renew H1B visas.

Long-term Effects

The ruling has far-reaching implications. It has led to more transparent and fair adjudication processes for H1B visas. Employers and visa holders now experience fewer arbitrary denials and requests for evidence (RFEs), making the H1B visa process more predictable and stable.

The ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS case serves as a critical reminder of the importance of legal checks on administrative agencies, ensuring they operate within their legal limits.

The Role of the Administrative Procedure Act in H1B Litigation

Understanding the APA

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is a cornerstone of administrative law in the United States. It governs the process by which federal agencies develop and issue regulations. For H1B visa holders, the APA ensures that any changes to immigration policies undergo a transparent and fair process. This includes public notice, the opportunity for comment, and a reasoned explanation for any final rules.

APA in Immigration Cases

In the context of immigration, the APA has been instrumental in challenging arbitrary and capricious decisions by agencies like the USCIS. Legal experts often invoke the APA to argue that certain H1B visa denials or policy changes lack a sound basis in law or fact. This has led to numerous court cases where the APA was used to hold the government accountable.

Significant Rulings

Several landmark rulings have highlighted the importance of the APA in H1B litigation. For instance, courts have overturned USCIS decisions that were found to be arbitrary and not in compliance with the APA. These rulings have provided relief to affected visa holders and set important precedents for future cases.

The APA serves as a critical check on the power of federal agencies, ensuring that their actions are lawful, reasonable, and transparent.

The Impact of Georgia’s 2020 Ruling Against USCIS Policies

Case Background

In 2020, a significant ruling emerged from Georgia that challenged the policies of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This case revolved around the stringent measures imposed by USCIS, which many argued were unfairly restrictive and detrimental to H1B visa holders. The court’s decision marked a pivotal moment in immigration law, setting a precedent for future cases.

Court’s Findings

The court found that several USCIS policies were overly restrictive and lacked a solid legal foundation. The ruling emphasized that the agency had overstepped its authority, leading to unjust denials of H1B visa applications. This decision forced USCIS to reevaluate and amend its policies to ensure they aligned with legal standards.

Broader Implications for H1B Visa Holders

The implications of this ruling were far-reaching. For H1B visa holders, it meant a more transparent and fair visa application process. The decision also underscored the importance of judicial oversight in immigration matters, ensuring that agencies like USCIS operate within their legal boundaries.

This ruling serves as a reminder of the critical role that the judiciary plays in maintaining checks and balances within the immigration system.

Future of H1B Visa Policies and Litigation

Current Trends

The landscape of H1B visa policies is continually evolving, influenced by political, economic, and social factors. In recent years, there has been a surge in scrutiny and regulatory changes aimed at tightening eligibility criteria and increasing employer compliance requirements. This trend is expected to continue, with more rigorous enforcement actions and potential legislative reforms on the horizon.

Potential Reforms

Several potential reforms could reshape the H1B visa landscape. These include:

  • Increased Cap Numbers: Proposals to raise the annual cap on H1B visas to meet the growing demand for skilled labor.
  • Merit-Based Selection: Shifting from a lottery system to a merit-based selection process that prioritizes applicants with advanced degrees and specialized skills.
  • Wage Level Adjustments: Higher wage thresholds ensure that H1B workers are compensated at rates comparable to U.S. workers in similar positions.
  • Enhanced Compliance Measures: Strengthening oversight and penalties for employers who violate H1B program rules.

Role of Legal Experts

Many Legal experts are crucial in navigating the complexities of H1B visa policies and litigation. They provide essential guidance to employers and employees, helping them understand and comply with the evolving regulations. Additionally, attorneys specializing in immigration law are at the forefront of challenging unjust policies and advocating for fair treatment of H1B visa holders.

The future of H1B visa policies will likely be shaped by a combination of legislative reforms, regulatory changes, and judicial decisions. Legal experts will continue to be instrumental in interpreting these developments and advocating for the rights of visa holders.


The landscape of immigration litigation, particularly concerning H1B visas, has been profoundly shaped by landmark cases and the expertise of dedicated attorneys like Jonathan Wasden. His successful challenges against pivotal USCIS policies have set significant legal precedents and provided a beacon of hope for countless immigrants navigating the complexities of the U.S. immigration system. As we continue to witness the evolution of immigration laws and policies, the role of specialized immigration litigation attorneys remains crucial. Their relentless pursuit of justice ensures that fairness and due process are upheld, ultimately contributing to a more equitable and transparent immigration system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Jonathan Wasden?

Jonathan Wasden, known as the “Immigration Litigation Attorney,” has built a reputation by successfully overturning critical H1B memos and significantly impacting immigration litigation.

What are the Neufeld Memos of 2010?

The Neufeld Memos 2010 are USCIS directives that guided the employer-employee relationship for H1B visa holders. These directives faced significant legal challenges and were overturned in key cases.

What was the outcome of the ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS case?

In the ITServe Alliance vs. USCIS case, the court repudiated key USCIS actions, leading to significant changes in how H1B petitions are adjudicated.

How does the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) relate to H1B litigation?

The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) oversees the procedures by which federal agencies formulate and implement regulations. It plays a crucial role in H1B litigation by providing a framework for challenging agency actions.

What was the impact of Georgia’s 2020 ruling against USCIS policies?

Georgia’s 2020 ruling against USCIS policies led to broader implications for H1B visa holders, including changes in policy enforcement and increased scrutiny of USCIS procedures.

What is a writ of mandamus?

A writ of mandamus is a court order compelling a government agency to perform a law-defined duty. It is often used in cases where there have been unreasonable delays in processing immigration applications.

How can I challenge a visa denial?

Challenging a visa denial involves reviewing the government’s decision to identify legal or procedural errors. Wasden Law can help prepare and file a lawsuit in federal court to overturn the denial if there are grounds to believe the decision was unlawful.

What are N336 naturalization appeals?

N336 naturalization appeals are filed when an application for naturalization is denied. This appeal must be filed with USCIS; if unsuccessful, the decision can be challenged in federal court. Wasden Law identifies errors in the denial process and advocates for the applicant’s right to naturalize.

How can I expedite my delayed immigration application?

If your immigration application has been unreasonably delayed, you may be able to file a writ of mandamus to compel the government to process your application. Wasden Law’s attorneys are experienced in litigating these cases and can help ensure your application is processed promptly.

What steps can be taken to protect against USCIS site visits?

Wasden Law offers comprehensive defense strategies against USCIS Fraud Detection and National Security (FDNS) site visits. This includes preparing for visits, addressing any issues raised during the visit, and challenging any adverse actions resulting from the visit.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule a consultation, visit our website at Wasden Law, Our experienced litigation attorneys are ready to fight for your rights and ensure your immigration journey is as smooth as possible.

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